Missouri’s FCB Department


The Field Compliance Bureau is an organization within the Missouri Department of Revenue that conducts audits of customers in-state and out-of-state to ensure compliance with Missouri’s sales, use, corporate, and withholding tax laws.

Challenge: Various aspects of auditing were housed in different systems, creating extra work
and inefficiencies.

The Field Compliance Bureau was utilizing various systems to manage audit inventory, create audit work papers, code time to audit work, and calculate tax liabilities. Much of the work was done manually, which led to heightened concerns with accuracy and required extra work to validate.

Solution: CAMS provided the Field Compliance Bureau with a “one-stop-shop” for multiple
aspects of audit work.

With the implementation of CAMS, auditors are able to keep track of audit inventory, generate correspondence and audit work papers, calculate audit liability, and track time posted to each individual audit. Audit customer and filing information is uploaded from the EDW, allowing automation and flow of data through the CAMS interface, from the initial contact stage of the audit all the way to the final calculation of tax due. The calculated return information is then transferred to the EDW for final audit billing.

Key Outcomes

  • All aspects of the audit are housed in one place and provide an easy way to look back at previous audit information if necessary.
  • Data stored in the system allows FCB to track and report out on audit production goals.
  • Less calculation errors occur as all return information, including jurisdiction and tax rate data, flow through the entire process.
  • Transition to paperless audit packages was simplified due to the vast storage of information in the CAMS application.
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    one Month
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